Airplane Etiquette: Expert Advice on What to Avoid

Learn essential airplane etiquette and expert advice on what to avoid for a seamless and courteous travel experience. Fly smarter with insider tips!


Manisha |Dec 29, 2023

In an era where air travel seamlessly connects people and cultures worldwide, maintaining a sense of order and courtesy in the confined space of an airplane is paramount.

However, with the increasing frequency of flights, passengers must be mindful of their behavior to ensure a pleasant experience for everyone on board.

According to the International Air Transport Association, the number of air passengers has steadily increased over the years, reaching over 4.5 billion in 2022.Airplane cabins are designed for efficiency, yet the restricted space can make even the most mundane behaviors, such as armrest disputes on the seats, unforgettable.

Airlines such as Delta and American have even addressed this in their policies. That they will hold middle seats due to the armrest conflict with other passengers and they even cancel middle-seat reservations. The question of whether to recline or not has sparked numerous debates.

Recent incidents, including viral videos capturing disagreements between passengers on the flight, highlight the need for a balanced approach.

Embarking on a flight should be a shared experience of comfort and consideration. To achieve this, it's essential to be mindful of airplane etiquette. Therefore, the Federal Aviation Administration examined 146 occurrences of improper behavior in 2021 and 1,081 events in 2022, out of a total of 5,981 reports of rude passengers are counted last year.

As airlines deal with challenges like armrest wars and the perennial reclining seat debate, it becomes evident that expert advice on airplane etiquette is a necessity. This article delves into a comprehensive guide based on well-researched insights and expert opinions to ensure a harmonious journey for every traveler.

Expert Advice on What to Avoid on an Airplane Journey

1. Overhead Bin Space

Insight: Disputes over overhead bin space contribute to boarding delays.

Expert Advice: Efficiently utilize the space, placing larger items in designated compartments. Avoid controlling overhead bins and be considerate of your fellow travelers by utilizing the space efficiently. 

2. Shoe Etiquette

Insight: Taking off your shoes might be easy for personal comfort, but it's crucial to recognize the limited space and the impact on air quality.

Expert Advice: Keep shoes on during the flight to maintain a pleasant environment for everyone. If you find it necessary to remove your shoes, ensure your socks are clean and odor-free. 

3. Armrest Diplomacy

Insight: The battle for the armrest is a classic airplane dilemma.

Expert Advice: Take a calm attitude. If there isn't sufficient space on the armrest, try allowing your seatmate to use it or agreeing to share it. A polite discussion might help to avoid unnecessary discomfort throughout the travel. 

4. Seat Switching Courtesy

Insight: Assuming the ability to switch seats without consultation can disrupt the boarding process. Expert Advice: Politely consult flight attendants for assistance and avoid assuming that others are willing to switch seats without asking politely.

5. Polite Behavior

Insight: Basic politeness goes a long way in the confined space of an airplane.

Expert Advice: Emphasizes the importance of saying please and thank you when interacting with the cabin crew or fellow passengers. A polite attitude creates a positive atmosphere for everyone on board. 

6. Reclining Carefully:

Insight: Reclining seats can be a source of discomfort for those behind you.

Expert Advice: Recline gradually, check with the person behind you, especially during meal times. Open communication ensures a more pleasant experience for all. 

7. Moderation in Drinks

Insight: Excessive alcohol consumption can lead to disruptive behavior.

Expert Advice: You can drink in moderation to ensure a peaceful environment in the flight. Indulgence can not only disturb fellow passengers but also create challenges for cabin crew as well. 

8. Odor-Free Zones:

Insight: Strong-smelling foods can quickly turn a confined space into an uncomfortable environment for fellow passengers.

Expert Advice: Avoiding foods with strong smelly odors during the flight. Opt for snacks that are less aromatic. 

9. Volume Control

Insight: Loud speakers can disturb others.

Expert Advice: Use headphones to keep the audio confined to your personal space. This simple act of consideration ensures that your entertainment does not become an unintentional disturbance for fellow travellers.

10. Restroom Courtesy:

Insight: The airplane restroom is a shared space that requires special attention

Expert Advice: Be prompt and efficient when using the restroom to minimize wait times for others. Keep the space clean and considerate, and be mindful of the noise level, as sounds from the toilet can be audible in the cabin.  

11. Queue Etiquette:

Insight: Cutting lines is highly disapproved in any manner.

Expert Advice: In line, be patient and wait your turn, respecting the order set by the airline staff. Cutting in line can cause unnecessary delays and frustration for both passengers and crew, so adhere to the established procedures for a smooth boarding experience. 

12. Supervise Your Little Kids:

Insight: Traveling with small children can be challenging

Expert Advice: Ensure that your kids stay within their designated space and you can engage them in quiet activities to avoid disturbances like drawing and make them a watch a cartoon movie or a comic book to read. 


Airplane etiquette is all about fostering consideration and shared responsibility. By adhering to these expert tips, with the assistance of FlyFi App, you not only enhance your own journey but also contribute to a more pleasant experience for fellow passengers. In the world above the clouds, small gestures of courtesy can make a significant impact.